Happy Hiking

Enjoy Errigal Responsibly

Starting Point: Errigal car park: Google Maps Link

Coordinates: B 943 197 along the R251

Map: OSI Sheet 1

Height: 751m / 2,464 feet

Prominence (from car park): 530m / 1,738 feet

Distance & Time: 5.20km / 3.2miles. 2-3 hours

Errigal on All Trails: All Trails Link

Local Link Public Transport: Timetable (ask the bus driver if you can be dropped off at the Errigal car park)

Please use the constructed path from the car park to the summit to allow the damaged habitat to recover and to prevent further damage to the mountain.

The following sections are based on Mountaineering Ireland’s Happy Hiking Guide

What to bring:

  • Sturdy Shoes and Boots

  • Small Backpack

  • Warm Hat (it gets cold at the top) & Sun Hat (for those sunny days!)

  • Warm Layer (even on a sunny day it can be cold at the summit)

  • Mobile Phone (Charged)

  • Food & Drink

  • Waterproof Jacket

  • Sunscreen & Insect Repellent

  • Map

  • Enjoy the Outdoors - Responsibly

    Our enjoyment of Ireland’s trails and hills comes with a responsibility to care for the place we’re visiting, and to be considerate towards landowners and local residents.

    • Park carefully – avoid blocking gateways or narrow roads, remember that large farm vehicles or the emergency services may need access.

    • Leave nothing visible in your car.

    • Dogs must be kept on leads at all times.

    • Prevent erosion – keep to the centre of the path, even when it’s wet or muddy. This prevents damaged areas becoming wider.

    • Leave no litter behind - Litter takes from the beauty of the landscape and it can be harmful to wildlife. Pack a spare bag to take away all litter, including biodegradable items such as fruit peels and tea bags. www.leavenotraceireland.org

    • Put something back - Support the area by using local shops, pubs and restaurants.

  • Donegal Weather

    The weather on Errigal is ever-changing, it is possible to experience sunshine, strong winds and heavy rain all in one day.

    - Get a forecast before setting off, watch out for any changes,
    - if the weather deteriorates, be prepared to alter your route or turn back.
    - If you plan to walk in the hills remember that the temperature will be lower there, the winds stronger and you are more likely to get rain.
    - Mist is a serious problem; you can quickly lose all visibility, especially on coastal hills.

    Check the weather before you go.




  • If you get lost


    • Keep calm – think about where you have walked and the last place you saw a marker post or a definite feature.

    • Check if it is possible to retrace your steps.

    • If mist is down, descend to get below cloud level.


    • If lost or injured dial 999 or 112 and ask for the Gardaí/Police and tell them you need Mountain Rescue.

    • Treat any injuries as best you can and keep the casualty warm and comfortable