Register your event
In order to manage the number of people climbing Errigal we ask all guides/groups or clubs with 10 or more people to please register your event by completing the Group Registration Form.
You must notify us prior to an event taking place by completing the Group Registration Form, failure to do so may result in access being denied.
Please use the constructed path from Errigal car park to the summit to allow the damaged habitat to recover and to prevent further damage to other parts of the mountain.
GDPR and your data
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - We are asking for basic contact information only i.e. Name of Club/Organization and an email address.
Your data is not stored on this website, all Group Registration Forms are printed and stored in our offices.
All printed Group Registration Forms will be shredded 2 months after the outing
The data we are requesting is not considered sensitive, by completing this form you are giving your consent for your contact information to be held for 2 months.